Bill Ondracka
I am a second career pastor who spent the majority of my life, before being called to church work, working in the trades and sales. I graduated from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis in the spring of 2011, and was called to Knoxville, to help shepherd God’s people here. I love serving God in this capacity, as a Pastor, husband, father, and grandfather… God is good all the time, and all the time God is working in and through us to build His kingdom as we await the return of Christ. If I can pray for you, click the link and send me a message.

Carol rauch
Hi, I'm Carol and I am the secretary here at Christus Victor. I have been in Knoxville, Tennessee since October of 2002, before moving here I lived in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. I have two children, two grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. I have been a member of Christus Victor since I moved here, and in the position of secretary for the last several years. When I'm not working or worshipping, I enjoy spending time with family and friends. If I'm not doing that I am reading. If you would like more information about the church send me an email from the link below

alan almonrode
Worship leader
It is my primary goal to provide worship that is informed about who God truly is; music that works with the message and readings to help us grow in our walk with Jesus.
My second goal is to provide music that the congregation can sing to, and memorable music that will stay with you after service is over to keep you through the week.
If you have a favorite worship song or would like to know more about the music, message me here.
My second goal is to provide music that the congregation can sing to, and memorable music that will stay with you after service is over to keep you through the week.
If you have a favorite worship song or would like to know more about the music, message me here.

Joey Parris
The tech guy
Christus Victor has been a part of my family since 1981. Through God's love, patience, and guidance, I showed up at an event several years back that brought me back home. I am so glad He did. Do you have questions about the webpage, app, or live stream? Do you offer expertise or just have an interest in all thing's technology? Shoot me an email I will be happy to answer or get you connected in serving in this great need.